Commander Alexandriah Stahr

Alexandriah Stahr on the Higher Spiritual Dimensions:

Commander Alexandriah Stahr is the Official Voice of the Ashtar Command, now known as the, Solar Star Command and Channel for the Quantum MATRIX Healing Program to Free Humanity From the MATRIX by 2045.

Commander Alexandriah Stahr is a Clairvoyant and Telepathic Healer, Channel and Spiritual Development Teacher with over 30 years of experience in channeling through and applying the innovative spiritual healing and ascension technologies and techniques now contained within the Quantum MATRIX Healing Star Teams as given her by Lord Sananda and The Ashtar Command, now known as the Solar Star Command.

These technologies now make up the Quantum MATRIX Healing Star Team Database which contain the last 30 years of Alexandriah Stahr's Karma Clearing - MATRIX Clearing Technology including the Original Ashtar Command Alien Implant Removal Technology. The members of Alexandriah Stahr's Quantum MATRIX Healing Monthly Star Team Program both contribute to and benefit from the Quantum MATRIX Healing Database of healing technologies as their MATRIX Programming Limitation is removed as the Quantum MATRIX Healing Technology assists them on their independent spiritual path of Getting Free From the MATRIX before 2045.

The Star-Esseenia Division of the Ashtar Command is the Research and Development Division of Healing and Ascension Technologies for the entire Ashtar Command. Commander Alexandriah Stahr is the daughter of Commander Ashtar and Lady Athena and Quadrant Commander of the Star-Esseenia Division of the Ashtar Command. As the head of the Division, she is responsible for all phases of research and development of Ashtar Command Healing and Ascension Technologies and developing the Quantum MATRIX Healing Monthly Star Team Program to Free Humanity From the MATRIX by 2045.

Although the mystical experience that awakened Alexandriah Stahr to her true identity, occurred in 1984, the development of her work has been guided and developed steadily over the years as she works in telepathic communication with her guides. Alexandriah Stahr is the gatekeeper for Star-Esseenia Division Technologies from the Ashtar Command. She is a cosmic translator who identifies Planetary Issues and translates them into new healing and ascension modalities. As Quadrant Commander of the Star-Esseenia Division, she has all of its knowledge and resources available to her in facilitating her work. Her work consists of awakening and activating those Lightworkers that are on their own independent Ascension Path through the Star-Essence Temple Quantum MATRIX Healing Monthly Star Team Program which will Free its members from the MATRIX before 2045.  

About the Term “Commander”

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the term “Commander”, many fearing it is a military designation. The term “Commander” is a designation of leadership, authority and respect within the Ashtar Command. As the Peace Corp of God, we are spiritual warriors. We wage the battle to restore the Light of God to this planet and free humanity from the spiritual bondage and limitation of the MATRIX by 2045.  Although we strive for peace, we stand up and fight for what is right and we “Command” the Light of God for cleansing and creative purposes. Commander Ashtar, as the head of the Ashtar Command, refers to his leaders as Eagle Commanders and to his division commanders as Quadrant Commanders. They could just as easily be translated into corporate titles of CEO (Lord Sananda), President (Ashtar) and the four quadrant Commanders, each vice presidents of their divisions:

Commander Alexandriah, Vice President of Healing and Ascension Technologies

Commander Korton, Vice President of Arts and Communications

Commander Soltec, Vice President of Science and Technology

Commander Akeneriel, Vice President of Business and Commerce

Alexandriah Stahr on the Physical Level

Consciously knowing who you are on the inner levels will influence and directly affect who you are and what you do on the physical level. We carry the reality of Christ Consciousness within us and to the degree that we are able to live our inner life on the physical level is a direct manifestation of “as above, so below” and the fulfillment of our purpose and mission in life.

Alexandriah Stahr lives her life as if the inner levels were already fully manifest on the physical level. She lives her life in conscious communication with Lord Sananda and the Ashtar Command, in faith, that the reality of the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality is at hand. Being in the world but not of it is not an easy task but is our collective mission and purpose to hold this vision of Freeing Humanity From the MATRIX by 2045 so that the 13.13.13. Solar New Earth Reality can manifest on the physical level.

On the physical level, Commander Alexandriah Stahr is known as Rev. Alexandriah Stahr. She is a conscious channel, clairvoyant, telepathic healer and spiritual development teacher with over 30 years of experience. She is gifted with the ability to bring through from the Spiritual Realms the continuous flow of healing energies and healing technologies needed to assist people on the path to Christ Consciousness in making rapid, permanent and positive changes in their lives.

Alexandriah’s spiritual gifts were initially activated in 1984 during a spontaneous mystical experience that has many names i.e. near death experience, walk-in experience, future self-activation. During the following months her true identity and life’s mission was revealed to her by her guides. From that time, working consciously with her guides, she has developed a variety of healing programs. These programs change and evolve as new levels of spiritual freedom are revealed to her and she leads her soul group through them.

Although she is an ordained minister, the founder, president and pastor of the Star-Essence Temple of Living Light, she views herself as a healer-priestess and prefers the title, High Priestess of the Star-Essence Temple. As such, she is the visionary and driving force behind the Star-Essence Temple of Living Light and has devoted her life to assisting those on the Independent Spiritual Path of Ascension to achieve Freedom From the MATRIX by 2045.

Star-Essence Temple of Living Light is a Christ Conscious based healing ministry for people on the Independent Spiritual Path of Ascension. It is a church without walls and without dogma and is instead a spiritual network of Christed and Redeemed Souls linked up to the Monthly Star Team Program who are dedicated to healing and developing themselves in the Name of the Christ and Getting Free From the MATRIX before 2045 so the 13.13.13. Solar New Earth Reality can finally manifest on Earth.  .

Rev. Alexandriah Stahr is a gifted telepathic healer and conscious channel for new and innovative healing technologies designed to assist Christed and Redeemed Souls in clearing their karmic programming and Getting Free From the MATRIX before 2045 in preparation for re-integrating their innate Christ Consciousness. The Path of Ascension is an individual path, clearing and healing your way back to your original identity as a Christed or Redeemed

Son-Daughter of God. The Path of Ascension has always been a solitary path of inner spiritual development, also known as, the Path to “Enlightenment” We are currently in the process of Freeing the Earth and all Humanity From the MATRIX by 2045 so that the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality can manifest on Earth.